School Development Program
Foster bondage and friendship between the teachers and students of Japan and Bangladesh through cross cultural and educational exchange program.
International school exchange program deepens relationship between the teachers and students of two countries aimed to develop psychosocial conditions of the students to generate good hearts for human lives. In this context, collaboration was developed between Toji Junior High School in Okayama, Japan and Tengarchar R. Q. Ideal High School in Gazaria, Bangladesh through an initiative of AMDA International, Japan in 2005.
The first visit in August, 2005 by a renowned school teacher Ms. Kazuko Taketani of Toji Junior High School in Okayama, Japan catered for building a strong bondage between these two schools. A second visit by the same teacher in August, 2006 showed the road to establish a long-term linkage program to promote and introduce school development program based on junior high school standards. As a result a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the two schools in December, 2007.
In order to achieve the objectives following activities are being carried out between the two schools
In the meanwhile Ms. Kazuko Taketani has performed several exposure visits in Gazaria and two study tours were organized from Okayama, Japan which was sponsored by Konko Lion Club and AMDA Tamano Club.